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A Message from Mike Hoban, LMYSA Referee Coordinator

LMYSA New and Returning Referees,

Little Miami Youth Soccer Association will hold its annual referee training and recertification on Saturday, March 15, 2025 new candidates and those with less than two years experience from 9:00 AM to noon those with more than two years experience from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian Church.  The indoor portion will be followed by a mandatory outdoor positioning and techniques session at a time to be determined March

Please complete the online training located HERE.  The Laws of the game are also available on the website, you should use this to complete the online portion.  Record any questions so we can discuss them.  A rule book will be provided on March 15.

New referees must complete concussion training.  Returning referees must update their concussion certificates every 3 years. A link can be found HERE.  You may do this now or after you have successfully completed your training.  Save a PDF of your certificate of completion.  Keep a copy with you at all times and forward a copy to me for my files.

Safe sport is to be done annually by all referees over 18 years of age. A link can be found HERE.

If you already have this completed as a USSF or high school referee, high school or youth coach, you DO NOT have to resubmit. You may have to add SAY national on your USSF or high school profile.

The fee is $15, checks only, payable to LMYSA.

If you know anyone else interested or if I missed someone, please forward this on to them, all are welcome. Please send an email to register to

I look forward to meeting you or seeing you all again. 

Thank you,

Mike Hoban

LMYSA Referee Coordinator